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WHAT WE DO : “Through a structured program, we help automated manufacturing and process system managers get control by;

(1) guiding your people,

(2) providing an information system platform and

(3) drive the initial planning->execution of the work to get you going and build momentum.”

Operating Intelligence (OPSINTEL) is our transformative information system framework and approach that is highly compressed and very efficient; it includes a quick-action model of productivity, essentialism and survival. Showing you how to do it is delivered with high-class service, with distinction & style. All for one thing -> to constantly improve your system, with your people doing the work, well-able to achieve and defend progress.

A Few Things We Think Are Important:

  1. Uptime from `well structured systems`,
  2. Collaboration and knowledge from guided use of feature-rich web applications and
  3. Future-proof technology systems protected from cyber threats
  4. Competent people to keep up with your existing and new technology
  5. Knowing things about your system quickly

WARNING: Don’t lose control of your systems due to lack of information management.

The Benefits of the Program

  1. Protect your ability to stay in production
  2. Faster return to production after downtime causing issues
  3. Know what work will protect uptime
  4. Enhance what is there
  5. Cyber security awareness/control
  6. Rapid people integration for assistance and awareness
  7. Better controls put everywhere it can help
  8. More information, with context, everywhere it can help
  9. It adapts to what you have AND the path you want to be on

WARNING: Don’t lose control of your systems due to loss of your best people.

01. What is OPSINTEL?

We provide you with a web application environment that provides communications, calendars, planners, document storage, etc. Inside this environment are reference documents such as guides, project templates, user manuals, technical documents and more. All of this is put together in a way that is easy for your team to understand and use.

There are three basic environments we use, depending on how your organization functions. Those are Microsoft 365, Nextcloud and/or and direct synchronization of local files for simple situations.

02. The Architecture

  1. PERSONAL-SYSTEM; Each worker needs a Calendar, Tasks Control System and Advanced Planner  
  2. NOTEBOOKS; A notebook environment is needed for development worksheets and compiling research information  
  3. TEAMS/GROUPS; Collaboration is very important. This area is setup to enable that.  
  4. FILESYSTEM-REPO; There are many documents and files that need to be stored, managed and possible version controlled. Microsoft OneDrive, Sharepoint and Azure Devops are options here. Also, Nextcloud has effective file sycronization. Another option is direct/local syncronization.  
  5. WORK-CONTROL; There a handful of advanced options for keeping track of and planning your work. Examples are Microsoft Azure-Devops, Project, etc.  
  6. MANAGERS; To keep track of what controllers/PLC’s you, a table of those units with related details is necessary.  
  7. DIAGRAMS; Knowing what you have is important for protection, changes and troubleshooting. You will need network diagrams, machine layout diagrams and various logic diagrams to document what happens when.  
  8. GUIDES; People will follow a path. We provide a framework for you to adjust. These include (1) Change Control, (2) Cyber Security Top 10 Practices
  9. CUSTOMIZE; Depending on the environment chosen, there can be useful customizations available that can help with fit.  
  10. PROCESS-DATA; Get information out of your system and into the place where people need it. This can be done via Microsoft Cloud or Linode Cloud. From there a product such as PowerBI can be used.  
  11. PRODUCTIVITY-TECHNIQUES; Work gets done by principle and discipline. We can drive both.  
  12. SELF-CONTROL-TECHNIQUES; Your people need to be smart, strong and disciplined on the inside. We can help remind them of what they are capable of with encouragement, issue work-through and education.

03. What This System Allows You To Accomplish

  1. DOCUMENTATION; There are massive amounts of information involved with keeping details together.
    • Controller Index
    • Systems Diagrams w Visio | PlantUML /Network .. /Machines
    • File-System
  2. DEV/OPS; Azure DevOps
  3. REPOSITORY; SharePoint Files
  4. CODE CONTROL; Tracking Upgrades /Processors .. /Screens .. /Firmware .. /IO Cards w “Controller Index”
  5. CHANGE PROCESS; 10 Steps of Control
  6. CYBERSECURITY; Top 20 Practices
  7. VISUALIZATION; Controller <> Gateway <> Microsoft365
  9. NEXT-GENERATION-TECH; ID safe then Plan
  10. CABINETS; Sealed -> Clean -> Organized
  12. RAPID EXPANSION; All-This-Harmonized

How To Setup

Only (3) clients are onboarded at any given time. This is to ensure we can keep up with you.

Because of the flexibility of how systems get setup, we will need to talk about what you have. Through that discussion we both can determine how to architect the way forward.

The approach we use is highly relational; we will stay very connected to ensure the right work is getting done and opportunities to make things better are captured.

If this is for you, call 918.600.8640 and we will meet to see if we are a fit.